NCAA Pushes Back Full Revenue Sharing Opt-In Date for Non-Defendant Schools

As the House vs. NCAA settlement is working its way through the federal court system and member NCAA institutions for completion, March 1 was supposed to mark a significant benchmark in the process.
It was — but for many schools it became an initial benchmark.
The NCAA offered more guidance on the opt-in dates on Feb. 28, the day before the intended date for all member schools to opt-in or opt-out of revenue sharing. In the guidance, shared by Ben Portnoy of SBJ, among others, the NCAA gave its members schools that are not listed as defendants in the House case a staggered set of dates to declare.
On March 1, which was Saturday, non-defendant schools could declare initial intent to opt-in without obligation to do so fully. Then, on June 15 those schools would have the choice to fully opt-in.